The Fanciest New Year


I am really excited about 2010, and it’s not because I want to see the back of 2009. It’s because this year has been really wonderful: I have made strides in my art career, met so many new friends, reached a place of peace within myself and just generally had a lot of fun.

When I was a teenager I’d make resolutions, and none of them ever stuck. So, when I reached my 20’s I decided to stop making any resolution other than “Natalie, you must have the most excellent year”. Every year has been better than the last, and I feel that it has a lot to do with treating myself kindly and not punishing myself for failing to keep resolutions that are ridiculous.

In the next year I actually want to resolve to do a few things that I feel are realistic:
• I will attend art exhibitions and events and get to know people in the Brisbane scene better.
• I will keep trying new things in my creative practice.
• I will keep up with the Couch to 5k programme, but don’t chastise myself if I need longer to achieve the milestones, or if I miss a session.
• I will listen to my body and my brain, and treat myself accordingly – always with respect and honour.
• I will have lots of fun! :D

If you are setting goals for next year I hope they are honest and achievable and if you trip up a little, I hope you don’t treat yourself too unkind. I also hope that you’re heralding the new decade in a most excellent and safe manner!

Housekeeping! I haven’t done a desktop for January 2010 yet, but don’t fret – there will be one! The holiday season has been very… relaxing, and I’ve been taking some time out. I’ll update with a new desktop for the new year in a few days!


  1. I finished “Couch to 5K” about a month ago, and just wanted to tell you that it's the BEST FEELING to complete it!

    Where are you up to? (I just need to know when to send the parade of dancing flamingos…)

  2. Hey definatalie! I've seen you around Brisneyland – I didn't realise you had this blog, until I followed a link from Polka Dot Bride! :) Absolutely love your work! xo

    – Erica (aka dragonflysakura)

  3. Happy belated new year, Natalie XD
    Really like what you doing here, especially your statement about pro body acceptance and anti body negativity.

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