Five Faves

I’m joining in on the Five Faves bandwagon, as started by the lovely Pip at Meet Me At Mikes. I am tardy, as per usual because I am busy and important (tongue firmly planted in cheek, watch it sprout!) 1. Lady Gaga! She’s challenging and presents thoughtful art to the world. I just like her,…

It’s all about meme

I’m not sure I’ve ever done a survey meme here before, but I’m in the mood for some light, brainless content after sourcing all those florals over the last few days! This one word survey is from Pip, who got it from Hazelnuts, who got it from PetalPlum, who got it from Bits of Sunshine,…

Awesome things on a Saturday

• This tea cup from Vandalized Vintage. I have been saying for about a year that everyone better watch out once I get a display cabinet, because I’m going to start a tea cup collection so hard that everyone is just going to be left behind, sobbing. My Nana is going to sell me her…