Cool new stuff for all you people.

Cool new stuff for all you people.

I’ve been busy giving Fancy Lady Industries a complete overhaul, tinkering with its innermost workings and fine tuning the whole shebang so I can bring you new stuff in different ways. The most electrifying development amongst a cast of thrills is GOLD GLITTER fat necklaces! I’m running a presale for this limited edition of the…

Flower queen.

I’ve been making these flower crowns lately and today I finally put on make up (including the successful application of false eyelashes for the first time ever) so I convinced a tired Nick to take photos of me modeling them. I’ll put them up for sale on Fancy Lady Industries soon, I’ve just got to…

Just DIY it.

Just DIY it.

I’ve been collecting a few rad tutorials and how-tos lately and I thought I’d post about them because you might want to do them too! Make a padded headboard. I made one last week and it was surprisingly easy after I found all the materials but beware, unless you have foam on hand it can…

The “Op” stands for opportunity!

Yesterday Sonya and I hit the op shops up and down the road I live on in our (never ending) quest to find fabulous dresses. Unfortunately, the fashions had been rather picked through everywhere we went – and there weren’t any decent plus size sections in any of the three shops we went through! What’s…

Silver chain, leather and buttons.

I have been making jewellery today after stressing that I didn’t have a long silver chain to wear with the dress I bought for tomorrow night’s exhibition opening. The dress I bought was way too expensive (oh, my rant about poor quality and overpriced plus sized fashion is for another day!) and is a paisley…