Losing Miffy.

Losing Miffy.

We lost Miffy on Sunday. She had been showing signs of neurological distress in recent weeks and had a terrible turn for the worst on Saturday night. As I napped on Sunday morning after a 3am run to the vet hospital, I heard, “Natalie, it’s time”. Nick has a habit of waking me up from…

The one-eyed dog.

Last week Miffy suddenly developed painful glaucoma in her right eye, leading to the necessary removal of the eye. I was absolutely shocked at this rapid unravelling of events as she simply woke up in pain and with a depressed demeanour where the night before she was full of play and fun. When the vet…

Miffy does not enjoy holidays.

But we hope you have the opportunity to enjoy yours, and if you aren’t able to have a holiday I hope you can glean a few moments to look after yourself. This year has been really tough for me. I’m not the kind of person to tell a whole year to sod off because on…

Just call me Casual Perkins.

Just call me Casual Perkins.

I love seeing casual outfits on bloggers. I don’t mean “oh I just slipped on these really expensive wedges and woops everything coordinates perfectly and how convenient it is that I have a full face of make up and perfect hair” kind of outfits. That’s not casual for me. My brand of casual is an…

Meet Miffy.

Meet Miffy.

[Warning: There’s an animated gif at the end of this post!] They say the internet is for cat lovers, but I have always been a dog lover. My family have always had dogs (and birds!) including Sasha the doberman, Phoebe the poodle, and Molly the poodle and King Charles cavalier cross. When Nick and I…